Father Hugh Bowron

At services on the 9th October 2011, our Churchwardens made the following announcement.
A Message from Bishop Kelvin Wright
Bishop Kelvin has agreed that this morning on behalf of the vestry I can announce to you all that the Reverend Hugh Bowron, who is currently Vicar of Avonside, in the Diocese of Christchurch, has accepted the position of Vicar of St Peter’s, Caversham and will join us early next year.Father Hugh has discerned over the past months a sense of God’s call to St Peter’s and as the nominators came to know more and more about him, including during his recent visit to Dunedin and this parish, they too knew that this was the person best matched to our profile and called to be our vicar.
The Board of Nomination was unanimous in agreeing that Bishop Kelvin offer Father Hugh the position.
A biography and information regarding Father Hugh’s installation will be published in our parish newsletter soon.
No date has been confirmed for his installation at this stage but it is likely to be early February 2012.
The nominators wish to thank you all for your prayers during this whole process of discernment.
Additional Comment from the Wardens
What happens in the meantime? We are grateful to say that Father Bernard has offered to carry on as Temporary Interim Priest, as he has been doing, until Father Hugh is installed as our Vicar next year and we thank him for that.57 Baker Street, Caversham, Dunedin, New Zealand +64-3-455-3961 : or e-mail us